
COR was founded in 1954 by the very same family that manages our company to this day. We are still headquartered at our original location in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. And all of the shares in our company are in family hands. What does this mean? That we can plan and act with the long term in mind – just like the responsible family-owned company that we are.

Manufacturing and materials

Designing the most sustainable furniture possible starts at the drawing board. The furniture’s construction and materials determine how complex the manufacturing process is, how long it will last and how environmentally friendly it will be to dispose of or recycle one day. The choice of supplier, manufacturing conditions and the employees’ skill level also have a major influence on a product’s environmental footprint. That’s why we work to create solutions that are as sustainable as possible at every stage of the process.


Our goal is to minimise our resource consumption and keep our environmental footprint as small as possible. That’s why we’re leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to save energy, avoid waste water and tap enewable energy sources. We offset greenhouse gases that we have so far been unable to avoid by purchasing environmental certificates. COR’s site in Rheda-Wiedenbrück has been climate-neutral since 2020.

Employees and social issues

COR is not an abstract entity. It’s a living, breathing organism made up of more than 200 employees. Even though it’s easy to lose sight of at times, each one of us makes a contribution to the life of our company each and every day. Together, we can work much more effectively to make sure that COR thrives and grows, is constantly developing and is more successful tomorrow than today. As a company, we do this by encouraging and helping our employees to develop their skills and expertise.


Langlebige Möbel sind das eine. Die Art und Weise, wie wir sie fertigen, das andere.
Beides zusammen nennen wir Nachhaltigkeit. Nachzulesen im allerersten COR Nachhaltigkeitsbericht.


PDF (9,5 MB)

Sustainability Report 2020/2021

PDF (5,3 MB)